Sunday, August 02, 2015

KENNETH’S KREATIVITY KONFETTI: Creativity & Innovation — Create Time For Creating!

By Kenneth Nwabudike Okafor
Welcome to August! I wish I could tell you all I have been up to, but I may lose motivation if I do. Please bear with me. But I can disclose this much, this blog and my life would benefit greatly by its outcome. Because I am creating something of enduring value. Perhaps you should try it sometime; create something of enduring value.
It is a bit like taking out a camera and capturing a moment in time, it keeps for a long time. And whenever you look at the photograph you remember the story of the point in your life. It is history in making.
Keep the mails coming in though; I cannot get too many mails and comments!
Image source:
We are looking into the request for CREATIVITY & INNOVATION BOOTCAMPS. There is a lot of logistical planning to get through before we commit to anything. I am excited with the prospecting.
However there is one counsel I can share with you right away: CREATE TIME FOR CREATING.
Do not procrastinate; do not feel unprepared. Just go ahead and capture your imagination; you can always improve on the concept later. Ideas do not keep; capture them or lose them!
If you do not take the step you may never discover what you are capable of.
So, what is your pleasure? Writing? Drawing? Thinking? Designing? Open eye dreaming? Fantasizing?
Get to doing it at once! Enjoy!

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