Sunday, October 27, 2013

naijaGRAPHITTI Take Off!


naijaGRAPHITTI - News and Stories on CREATVITY and INNOVATION
- Building a culture of CREATVITY and INNOVATION

naijaGRAPHITTI  is an attempt to make CREATIVITY and INNOVATION more exciting than gossip and scandal.

This blog is aimed to promote social transformation in Nigeria and the Nigerian life by challeneging status quo and seeking to promote CREATIVE THINKING as a culture.

The world is now powered by a fully knowledge-based economy, how can Nigeria as a country and the Nigerian people as stakeholders take advantage of the trend? This blog would facilitate a learning process for readers and entusiasts alike using inspiring stories, academic and pop culture publications / writings and anecdotes to develop learners' creative human potential to improve, enhance and tranform their social spaces, daoly lives, businesses, and communities.

The blog aims at the following broad objectives:
  • Demonstrate that CREATIVITY and INNOVATION pays at the individual and the collective levels.
  • Show how CREATIVITY and INNOVATION can be applied to nation building.
  • Serve as a platform to promote CREATIVITY and INNOVATION in Nigeria and the Nigerian society.
  • A platform to generate discussion about the culture that encourages CREATIVITY and INNOVATION in the academia, the social and the political life of the nation.